This mama was so gorgeous and pregnant with twins! We had her in studio for her maternity photo session a little earlier than I normally do. Normally I shoot mamas at 28-33 weeks, but since twin moms’ bellies grow faster she came in around 24 weeks. She had a few things she requested I capture, particularly beautiful, moody silhouettes. I happened to notice the hat she wore to the studio, and asked if she was up to be photographed in it. I love silhouetted images of people in hats!
As this was in February, I hoped that the day was warm enough to shoot a little outside, but cold enough for snow. Wouldn’t you know it, someone was looking out for us as we got just that. It was a wet, messy snow but we got out to the park before the beautiful white blanket turned to slush.
Unintentionally my couple wore pink and blue colors – such kismet as they are having a boy and a girl! My client was delighted when I pointed that out to her. I hope she was even more delighted with her maternity images. Poor dad got a tad grumpy at the end with all the, you know, standing in wet snow stuff. When mom is walking around with her own personal baby furnace, one forgets that poor dad doesn’t have the same “perk”. Of course, he doesn’t have to go through labor so it is a dubious perk at best. Either way his shivering was understandable but totally worth it. Snowy maternity photos? Check!