I typically recommend mamas come in to the studio somewhere between 30-36 weeks of pregnancy, just because the likelihood of going into labor goes up after that. That said, pregnancy and childbirth is unpredictable so you never know what is going to happen! At about the beginning of this mama’s third trimester she needed to be on bed rest, without an end in sight, so she sadly had to cancel her much-anticipated session. But then! She got the green light to come off bed rest and we rushed her into the studio to capture her in her final weeks of pregnancy. I was so happy for her, I know she was so disappointed when she had to cancel.
Even more exciting: she absolutely crushed her session. She was a posing natural and basically just happy to be there. Her style was simple, sleek and classic. That is just my style and I was happy to provide wardrobe options for her. It was also quite calm and relaxed as I worked to make sure she took breaks to sit and rest – it’s important to hydrate since mamas are standing for longer than usual while we shoot. Maternity portraits can be tiring, so I keep snacks, drinks and of course a comfortable chair for mamas to sit in.
You can take a look at more of my studio maternity portfolio options here, and if you’re also considering adding on a newborn session, check those out here.